Signs in French

Words and phrases for some common signs in French
French topic: Signs, picture of toilettes
French topic: Signs, picture of escalator
French topic: Signs, picture of l'ascenseur
French topic: Signs, picture of sortie
French topic: Signs, picture of non-fumeur
French topic: Signs, picture of interdiction d’entrer
interdiction d’entrer
French topic: Signs, picture of interdit aux cyclistes
interdit aux cyclistes
French topic: Signs, picture of pas de téléphones mobiles
pas de téléphones mobiles
French topic: Signs, picture of interdiction de manger ou de boire
interdiction de manger ou de boire
French topic: Signs, picture of eau non potable
eau non potable
French topic: Signs, picture of baignade interdite
baignade interdite
French topic: Signs, picture of poubelle pour les bouteilles
poubelle pour les bouteilles
French topic: Signs, picture of travaux sur la route
travaux sur la route
French topic: Signs, picture of accès réservé aux handicapés
accès réservé aux handicapés
French topic: Signs, picture of feux tricolores
feux tricolores
French topic: Signs, picture of piste cyclable
piste cyclable
French topic: Signs, picture of interdiction de s’arrêter
interdiction de s’arrêter
French topic: Signs, picture of interdit aux chiens
interdit aux chiens
French topic: Signs, picture of interdit aux véhicules à moteur
interdit aux véhicules à moteur
French topic: Signs, picture of le camping
le camping
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