Shops in French

Names of common types of shop in French
French topic: Shops, picture of la boulangerie
la boulangerie
French topic: Shops, picture of la boucherie
la boucherie
French topic: Shops, picture of le magasin de fruits et légumes
le magasin de fruits et légumes
French topic: Shops, picture of le magasin de vêtements
le magasin de vêtements
French topic: Shops, picture of la pharmacie
la pharmacie
French topic: Shops, picture of la librairie
la librairie
French topic: Shops, picture of le marchand de journaux
le marchand de journaux
French topic: Shops, picture of la poste
la poste
French topic: Shops, picture of le marchand de chaussures
le marchand de chaussures
French topic: Shops, picture of le supermarché
le supermarché
French topic: Shops, picture of le magasin de sport
le magasin de sport
French topic: Shops, picture of le marché
le marché
French topic: Shops, picture of le poissonnier
le poissonnier
French topic: Shops, picture of le fleuriste
le fleuriste
French topic: Shops, picture of le photographe
le photographe
French topic: Shops, picture of le pépiniériste
le pépiniériste
French topic: Shops, picture of la bijouterie
la bijouterie
French topic: Shops, picture of la quincaillerie
la quincaillerie
French topic: Shops, picture of le magasin de meubles
le magasin de meubles
French topic: Shops, picture of la laverie
la laverie
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