Helping at home 2 in French

More sentences for things you do to help in French
French topic: Home - helping at home 2, picture of Je balaye.
Je balaye.
French topic: Home - helping at home 2, picture of Je lave le sol.
Je lave le sol.
French topic: Home - helping at home 2, picture of Je lave la voiture.
Je lave la voiture.
French topic: Home - helping at home 2, picture of Je promène le chien.
Je promène le chien.
French topic: Home - helping at home 2, picture of Je donne à manger au chat.
Je donne à manger au chat.
French topic: Home - helping at home 2, picture of Je lave les carreaux.
Je lave les carreaux.
French topic: Home - helping at home 2, picture of Je tonds la pelouse.
Je tonds la pelouse.
French topic: Home - helping at home 2, picture of Je fais du baby sitting.
Je fais du baby sitting.
French topic: Home - helping at home 2, picture of Je fais le jardin.
Je fais le jardin.
French topic: Home - helping at home 2, picture of Je fais les courses.
Je fais les courses.
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