time | - | (health ÷ 10) | = | score | |
100 | - | (50 ÷ 10) | = | 127 |
3 scores max per player; Leaderboard entries are deleted at the end of August each year
Interactive French adventure game to feed the beetle and avoid the bees (and learn some French)...
With our The beetle and the bee game for "Numbers to 100" you will be learning the French vocabulary for the topic Numbers to 100. The language you will learn is in the vocabulary list below, and consists of 20 The numbers from 21 to 100.
1 | dix | ten | |
2 | vingt | twenty | |
3 | trente | thirty | |
4 | quarante | forty | |
5 | cinquante | fifty | |
6 | soixante | sixty | |
7 | soixante-dix | seventy | |
8 | quatre-vingts | eighty | |
9 | quatre-vingt-dix | ninety | |
10 | cent | one hundred | |
11 | vingt et un | twenty one | |
12 | vingt-deux | twenty two | |
13 | vingt-trois | twenty three | |
14 | trente-quatre | thirty four | |
15 | quarante-cinq | forty five | |
16 | cinquante-six | fifty six | |
17 | soixante-sept | sixty seven | |
18 | soixante-dix-huit | seventy eight | |
19 | quatre-vingt-neuf | eighty nine | |
20 | quatre-vingt-onze | ninety one | |
Fast moving interactive game to learn French where you control the beetle and the bee moves randomly about the screen. The bee should be avoided and the strawberries collected by answering multiple choice questions about the French topic you have selected - this is learning French for fun!
Get the beetle to the strawberries and avoid the bees - fun fast game!
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